Wood Sandpiper - 2016 Skokholm

Tringa glareola -Scarce not recorded every year
A juvenile at North Pond on 9th August was two days later than the first of last season. It remained at the same site until the 14th but was not seen subsequently. A six day stay equalled birds logged in May 1994 and September 1972, the only longer residency being 11 days in August 1955 (a bird which was coincidentally the first Skokholm record). Although down on the four birds of 2015, singles in 2014 and 2005 are the only other records since one in 2003. There have now been birds in three consecutive years, a regularity which on Skokholm has only occurred before in the periods 1994 to 1996, 1971 to 1973 and 1962 to 1964. There are now records in 27 of 87 recording years.

Skokholm in
Wood Sandpiper