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Entries in 1949 BoP (260)


Little Owl - 1949 status

Athene noctua vidalii

Unknown so far west in Matthew's day.  Breeding first recorded in 1920.  Now a common resident, breeding even on the islands, where it preys largely on Storm-Petrels if permitted to remain.  Most abundant owl 1927, but less numerous by 1946.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1949 status

Coccyzus americanus americanus

One Stackpole, 1832, now in British Museum.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Cuckoo - 1949 status

Cuculus canorus canorus

Common summer visitor.  Bred Skokholm 1928 and has also bred on Caldey; a regular but scarce passage migrant on the islands.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Wryneck - 1949 status

Jynx torquilla torquilla

Recorded by Matew from Stone Hall and Picton Castle.  One Skokholm, 6 May 1938.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


British Lesser-spotted Woodpecker - 1949 status

Dryobates minor comminutus

Scarce, but seen at Goodwick (Mathew) and at Nevern, Langwm, Benton and Haverforewest (R.M.L.).  Handbook (of British Birds - Witherby) says "a few may breed".

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


British Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1949 status

Dryobates major anglicus

Formerly less common than green woodpecker, but widely distributed in well-wooded country, and scattred pairs are to be found throughout the county.  Has increase during recent years.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Green Woodpecker - 1949 status

Picus viridis pluvius

Formerly numerous resident except in treeless area, which it visits after the breeding season.  Considerable decrease noted during recent years.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Kingfisher - 1949 status

Alcedo atthis ispida

Resident.  Twice Skokholm, 17 Aug 1936 and 16 July 1948.  Seen on coastal beaches in winter.  Many died in the winter of 1946-47 and it has been very scarce since.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Hoopoe - 1949 status

Upupa epops epops

Described and illustrated in Fenton's Tour 1811; two about 1889 Dinas Island; two 1901 Pembroke (J.Wynne); one 1928 Skokholm; one 1929 St David's (National Museum of Wales).  Now an almost regular visitor to Skokholm and Tenby area in spring (March - early May).

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Bee-eater - 1949 status

Merops apiaster

Mathew records one killed near Johnston C.1854; and another picked up "on some high ground near the sea coast" without date.  Three seen perched on telephone wires near Milford Haven, 13 May 1896 (Field, 23 May 1896).  The only records for south Wales.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Nightjar - 1949 status

Caprimulgus europaeus europaeus

Fairly common summer resident, widely distributed.  Breeds occasionally Skomer, Ramsey and Caldey.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Swift - 1949 status

Apus apus apus

Numerous summer visitor, breeding in castles, chapels, and tall buildings, also coastal cliffs (Caldey).  considerable passage towards orth-west and Ireland during May.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society