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Jack Snipe - 1894

Limnocryptes gattinula

A winter visitor.

This diminutive Snipe is fairly numerous, appearing about the middle of September at its accustomed places on the moors, and on all boggy places where there is sufficient cover for it to hide in. We have heard sportsmen state that in seasons when Jack Snipe are plentiful, the Common Snipe is scarce, and vice versa, but we have not found this borne out in our experience. The abundance of either species, at certain localities, depends entirely on the weather. In severe frosts, the birds naturally congregate about warm springs, or other damp places that remaining unfrozen afford them food.

The Jack Snipe is usually solitary; but may be occasionally met with in little flocks of upwards of a dozen, on some favourite ground, just after their arrival in the autumn, or immediately before their departure for the north in the spring.

Mathew M.A. 1894, Birds of Pembrokeshire and it's Islands

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