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Dunlin - 1894

Tringa alpina

A winter visitor ; perhaps, also a resident.

The Dunlin is common in the autumn and winter all round the coast, wherever there are sands and oozes. Although we failed to detect it in the summer-time, on the west-ward front of the Precelly Mountains, we consider it extremely probable that a pair or two may nest on those hills, especially as it has been found breeding at no great distance in Cardiganshire, where Mr. J. H. Salter, of University College, Aberystwyth, discovered its nest "on a large heather-grown peat bog, some twelve miles from the sea." (Zoologist, 1893, p. 269.) And, in a letter to us, Mr. Salter gives the exact locality, the Gors Teifi., and tells us " a pair or two breed here and there all over the hills, but preferably in the neighbourhood of water."

Mathew M.A. 1894, Birds of Pembrokeshire and it's Islands

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