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Blue Tit - 2003-07

It was estimated that 24,000 pairs were nesting in Pembrokeshire at the end of the 1984-88 survey, based on a mean value of 60 pairs per occupied tetrad. This was a similar level to that of the 1988-91 National Atlas, using the calculated national average and relative abundance distribution.  

Little distributional change was apparent by the conclusion of the 2003-07 survey but the BBS indicated there had been an increase of 29% in Wales between 1994 and 2007. Accepting that a similar increase took place in the county, the population at the end of 2007 was probably about 31,000 pairs. Widespread garden feeding resulting in increased winter survival was undoubtedly a contributing factor to increased breeding numbers.

Graham Rees




Fieldwork 2003-07 (based on 490 tetrads) 

Red = breeding confirmed = 311

Orange = breeding probable = 95

Yellow = breeding possible = 23

Total tetrads in which registered = 429 (87.6%)


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