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Great Tit - 2003-07

It was estimated that there were 13,500 pairs breeding in the county at the end of the survey of 1984-88, based on an estimated average density of 35 pairs per tetrad. The 1988-91 National Atlas calculated an average density of about 26 pairs per tetrad and their abundance map showed Pembrokeshire holding about average abundance. This suggests the county population was about 10,100 pairs at that time.

The Pembrokeshire survey of 2003-07 showed a 9% increase in distribution and the BBS showed a 34% increase in numbers for Wales. Applying these findings indicates there were about 14,700 pairs breeding in Pembrokeshire at the end of 2007.

As with the Blue Tit, increased winters survival in response to widespread garden feeding will have contributed to the increase in the breeding population.

Graham Rees


Fieldwork 2003-07 (based on 490 tetrads) 

Red = breeding confirmed = 260

Orange = breeding probable = 131

Yellow = breeding possible = 30

Total tetrads in which registered = 421 (85.9%)

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