Black-headed Bunting - 2014 to 2016

2014: A female was present on Skomer from 21st to 24th May 2014 (JWM), the 6th Skomer record. Accepted by BBRC.
2015: Three records of adults in June. The first on Skomer on 7th June (S. Riedlinger), then one at Saundersfoot 10th (D. Lowe) and finally one at St. Justinian’s on the 29th (C & W Williams). All accepted BBRC. It is uncertain as to whether they all relate to the same roving bird.
2016: A male Skomer 24th May (E Stubbings). Accepted by BBRC.
Sources: Pembrokeshire Bird Reports, 2014, 2015, 2016.

Rarity in
Black-headed Bunting