Bobolink - 2010

A 1st year bird was on Skomer from 8th to 11th October (D Boyle). Accepted by BBRC. A new record for the island and the second for the county.
Source: Pembrokeshire Bird Report, 2010.

A 1st year bird was on Skomer from 8th to 11th October (D Boyle). Accepted by BBRC. A new record for the island and the second for the county.
Source: Pembrokeshire Bird Report, 2010.
A 2nd calendar year bird at St. David’s Head on 21st April. Accepted by BBRC.
Source: Welsh Bird report, 2016.
Following a record in 2011 (see separate entry/discussion topic on Bonelli's vs Western Bonelli's Warbler)
2013 - One on Ramsey 8 - 10 Sept (GM et al) accepted by BBRC.
2017 - One Skomer 30th – 31 Aug (SP, ES) accepted by BBRC as Bonelli's sp.
2017 - One Skokholm on 24 Sept (TWi, SW, RB et al), accepted by BBRC
2018 - Single Skomer on 16th Sept (ES et al). Unfortunately the bird did not call. Accepted by BBRC as Bonelli's sp.
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire and Welsh Bird Reports
One at St Justinians, 4th to 9th July 2011. Accepted by BBRC.
Source: Pembrokeshire Bird report, 2011.
A first-winter bird at Porthclais, 28th October to 7th November. Accepted by BBRC. The 2nd record for Pembrokeshire.
Source: Pembrokeshire Bird Report, 2011.
A single seen on Skomer on 9th May 2016, accepted by BBRC.
Source: Pembrokeshire Bird Report, 2016.
Actitis macularius Vagrant
One was seen and photographed off Grassholm on 11th July 2010, accepted by BBRC.
Source: 2010 Pebrokeshire Bird Report.