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Entries by Pembrokeshire Avifauna committee (1628)


Yellow-legged Gull - 1990 onwards

Larus  michahellis - Scarce winter visitor

An estimate of the number of individuals records per year - as the birds move around, it isn't always possible to be absolutely certain of the number of individuals involved.  

Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports


Iceland Gull - 1990 onwards

Larus glaucoides
Estimated number of individuals per year - as birds move around, it is often impossible to be certain about totals.  
2007 was an exceptional year with 61 individuals recorded in Wales, with 29 in Pembrokeshire alone.  Many stayed into early 2008, including 5 first winter birds roosting together at Llys-y-fran reservoir.
2102 - An influx in January-March (seen across north-west Europe) was linked to a stormy period of north-westerly winds during the last week of 2011.
2014 - Large influx starting mid-January with some individuals staying until the end of February
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire and Welsh Bird Reports

Glaucous Gull - 1990 onwards

Larus hyperboreus - irregular winter visitor
The number of individuals records per year - as the birds move around, it isn't always possible to be absolutely certain of the number of individuals involved.  Some birds stay for long periods, eg one at Llanstadwell from 20 Feb 1993 to 15 Jan 1995, allowing observers to monitor plumage changes.
2014 and 2017 were good years in Wales for this species, though for the latter year, this is not obvious in the county records.
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports

Ring-billed Gull

Larus delawarensis

Thirty-nine individuals have been recorded in Pembrokeshire, including one individual that has returned to Llys-y-fran each winter from 2006 to 2019

Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports



Bonaparte's Gull - 2018

Chroicocephalus philadelphia - vagrant

One at the Gann, 4th and 5th November


Caspian Gull - 2017 first for Pembrokeshire

Larus cachinnans - rare vagrant

A colour-ringed individual first seen at Llanrhydstud, Ceredigion in March was also seen at Nevern Est on 12th July (SB et al). This represents the first county record and only the fourth for Wales.


Wood Sandpiper - 2000 onwards

Tringa glareola  -  Scarce passage migrant

2000 - Singles Westfield Pill 24 Aug,  juv Newgale Marsh 28 – 30 Sept. Singles Skokholm 19 & 23 July, then 2 juvs on 22 – 24 Aug.

2001 - Singles, Skokholm 1 Aug and Teifi Est 2 Sept.

2002 - Single, Westfield Pill 14 Sept (AJH).

2003 - A single recorded at Pembroke MP from 12 to 26 Aug (PKG et al). Single Skokholm 9 Aug (GT).

2004 - Single, Nevern Est 11 Aug (GJW)

2005 - Single, Castlemartin Corse, 20 Sept (MS)

2006 - One, North Pond, Skomer 25 Aug.

2008 - The only records received were of singles at West Williamston on 31 Aug (PJ) and on Skomer on 5 Sept (DB)

2012 - The only record was of one in Fishguard Harbour on 16th Aug.

2013 - Singles were at Teifi Marshes on 21st July (photo opposite by T. Evans) and at Dale on 24th Aug, with another (or possibly the same) in the Marloes area on 25th Aug.  Finally, two birds flew over Pen Anglas on 26th Aug.

2014 - Only four records this year, singles: at Marloes Mere 14th & 24th May and on Skokholm on 22nd May and then on return passage on Skomer on 25th July.

2015 - All reports were of single birds on autumn passage in August: at Skokholm & Marloes Mere on 7th, two on Skomer on 11th, at Marloes Mere on the 12th, at The Gann on 13th, two on Skokholm on 23rd and finally another on the 30th Aug.

2016 - The only record was of a single on Skokholm 9th – 14th Aug

2017 - A single on Skomer 5th – 8th May, another 4th Aug and one on Skokholm on 17 - 20th Aug, photo below

2018 - Singles on Skokholm 26th July and at Marloes Mere 12th Aug were the only records

Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports


Lesser Yellowlegs - 2010 onwards

Tringa flavipes Vagrant
2013 - A juvenile was at The Gann on 4th Sept (M. Powell).

2014 - A juvenile was on Skomer on 11th and 12th Sept (LPL et al.) and then a juvenile was at Marloes Mere on 15th Sept (BS), these sightings most likely refer to the same individual.

2019 - Pembroke Castle Pond 12-24 September


Ortolan Bunting - 2016 Skokholm

Emberiza hortulana Scarce - 51 previous records of 68 birds over 77 dates, with a maximum of four but only 7 in spring
Earliest 29th April 1987 Latest 15th November 2010 (17th August 2016)
1936-1976: 6 trapped
A vocal bird on and around Home Meadow on the 17th was the first August record since 25th August 1975 and the earliest autumn record to date (GE, RDB et al.); the five other August birds occurred on either the 27th or 28th in 1970, 1966, 1959, 1957 and 1947. This was the third consecutive year with a sighting, the other observations this decade coming on 20th May 2015, 4th September 2014 and 15th November 2010. The majority of previous records have occurred in September.

Richard's Pipit - 2016 Skokholm

Anthus richardi 
Rare logged in 16 previous autumns and two springs with peak daycounts of four in 1968 and 1970
A vocal bird on 21st October circled North Plain and then Orchid Bog before heading east (GE, RDB); it seemingly continued for the mainland as it could not be located on the Neck. This was the first Island record since another east bound flyover found on 15th September 2014. The only other records this century were on the 4th and 5th October and 10th November 2001 and on 2nd May 2000.


From the Skokholm Annual Report 2016


Yellow-browed Warbler - 2016 Skokholm

Phylloscopus inornatus 
One around the Farm on 5th October made its way into the Wheelhouse Heligoland and was ringed (OP et al.). An unringed bird at the Well four days later was trapped in the Stream Net, fortunately so as it showed that a bird at the Wheelhouse on the 10th was a third individual. The Wheelhouse bird was ringed and retrapped the following day when it was found to have increased in weight from 5.8 to 6.4g. A single was again logged on the 12th, probably the bird which first arrived on the 10th. The fourth of the autumn around the Cottage on 29th October made its way into the Library Net, the added ring again showing it to be different to the unringed bird which appeared the following day; this single on 30th October becomes the latest Island sighting. Five birds in an autumn is a new record, up on the four of 2015 and 2013; it takes the Skokholm total to approximately 32 birds, although recent ringing has shown that records on consecutive dates assumed in the past to be the same individual may have actually been more than one bird.


Skokholm Annual Report 2016


Wood Sandpiper - 2016 Skokholm

Tringa glareola -Scarce not recorded every year
A juvenile at North Pond on 9th August was two days later than the first of last season. It remained at the same site until the 14th but was not seen subsequently. A six day stay equalled birds logged in May 1994 and September 1972, the only longer residency being 11 days in August 1955 (a bird which was coincidentally the first Skokholm record). Although down on the four birds of 2015, singles in 2014 and 2005 are the only other records since one in 2003. There have now been birds in three consecutive years, a regularity which on Skokholm has only occurred before in the periods 1994 to 1996, 1971 to 1973 and 1962 to 1964. There are now records in 27 of 87 recording years.


Skokholm Annual Report 2016